Jerry Bridges (1929-2016)

Theologian and writer Jerry Bridges died last night. That's really sad for us but really happy for him.

I didn't know Jerry Bridges personally, but, like so many others, I read his books and was blessed and edified and grown by him.

This morning when I checked Twitter, he was trending - along with Downton Abbey and Kim Kardashian. What does that say about our culture?

I thank God for Jerry Bridges' life and his work for the kingdom of God. Several people are offering tributes and obituaries. Here are a few of my favorites:

Jerry Bridges (1929-2016) - Justin Taylor writes this obituary. "Jerry Bridges entered into the joy of his Master this Sunday evening, March 6, 2016. He was 86 years old. He suffered cardiac arrest on Saturday morning en route to the emergency room at Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs. A medical team performed CPR for 20 minutes, but his brain function was very compromised, with the result that he was placed on life support. Life support was removed after family was able to say their final earthly goodbyes."

My Too-Weak Tribute to Jerry Bridges - Tim Challies writes this tribute. "He was a man who was known for his holiness, for his godliness, for his desire to teach others what the Lord had taught him. He was a gift to the church. I pray that I may someday be found as faithful, as godly, as Jerry Bridges."

Pursuing Holiness: An Interview with Jerry Bridges - This is an old interview from 2014 but it is still wise and informative and appropriate to read now.

Photo courtesy of The Gospel Coalition