Some Assorted Thoughts on Labor Day

It's Labor Day (or Labour Day, here in Canada). Most of us know it's a celebration of work (and rest), but where did it come from? Here are 7 things you didn't know about Labor Day.

I'm grateful for this day, for the joy and privilege of work and the grace of rest. Scotty Smith was too, so he penned a prayer for Labor Day

Since I like my work, this day is a happy reminder and affirmation of what I'm doing. But many are discouraged by their work, and they feel oppressed and like they're laboring in vain. John Piper wrote for the people who feel like they're laboring "for nought." 

On one hand, there are people who struggle with discontentment in their work. On the other hand, there are so many of us who struggle with idolizing work, liking it too much, placing it on a plane above the gospel. Erik Raymond writes how Labor Day reminds us of work's proper place in the Christian life.

What we really need is a biblical understanding of work, a clarity about vocation. Gene Edward Veith writes that for us.

In a lighter but similar vein, Trevin Wax answers the question, "Why do we work?"

If you can, rest today, and rejoice in work tomorrow. Both are good, both are gifts, and both are necessary for the Christian life.

Happy Labor (Labour) Day.