Growing in Grace: October 2017

Do Women Need to Slow Their Pace? — Here's a helpful infographic based on a marvelous new book I was privileged to endorse, Refresh.

Should Teens Own Smartphones? — I joined Tony Reinke at Desiring God to chat about whether it's wise for teens to have smartphones.

25 Bible Reading Tips — Man, these are good.

5 Lessons From Reformation Women — "Women who lived during the Protestant Reformation can give us a unique perspective on the Christian life. They didn’t teach from pulpits, but they did teach from printing presses, throne rooms, and hospitable homes.Here are five things we can learn from these mothers in the faith."

Humility: True Greatness by C.J. Mahaney Is On Sale — If you own a Kindle, you need to buy this book up!

New York City's Libraries Will Forgive All Children's Fines — "Among those with suspended privileges are 160,000 children, most of them from the city’s poorest neighborhoods, who cannot afford to pay."

A Time to Dance — "When I stop to consider the contrast between my current happiness and where I was just three years ago—on the broken stairs outside my apartment in Tulsa, crying on the phone to a friend, asking: 'What do I do? How do I live? How do I love?'—I see that healing is possible. Happiness after loss exists. There is a season for everything, 'a time to mourn and a time to dance.'"

A Comedy Show Thrives By Avoiding Vulgarities, Such As the Word 'Gosh' — I was so happy to see this WSJ article about one of my favorite shows, Studio C.

Burger King's Anti-Bullying PSA — This was surprisingly powerful.