My January Favorites

This month I'm trying out a new version of the old Growing in Grace. I'll be posting my favorite web finds this month, but I'll also be sharing non-internet things that I loved. Without further ado, here are my January favorites... 

"Life is Precious" (Article): This article is a beautiful exploration of and testament to life beginning at conception. "After all, a person’s a person, no matter how small."

Single, Dating, Engaged, Married (Book): I loved this book by Ben Stuart. Modern romantic relationships are fraught with complications and misunderstandings. This book is a good place to start on how to navigate them.

The Greatest Showman (Movie and Soundtrack): Travis and I saw the movie last week and loved it so much... but not quite as much as the soundtrack. Oh man, that soundtrack is good. I don't remember an album I've listened to as much as this. 

The Finch Mobile: AKA, MY FIRST CAR!! I just bought a car, people! It's a beautiful little charcoal grey Corolla (which I named after the family in my favorite novel ever, To Kill A Mockingbird). 

This thread of GIFS: This is a Twitter thread of GIFS based on ridiculous infomercials from the past 10 years or so. It is comedy gold. (No, you shouldn't need a Twitter account to view it.)

"How Obsession With Youth Hurts The Church (And The Youth)" (Book Review): I loved writing this review for TGC so much because I loved the book so much. 

"Parents, Please Don't Let Your Kids Watch Logan And Jake Paul" (Article): This was a balanced perspective on a serious issue that has rocked the YouTube world. Both parents and young people definitely need to read this.

The Young Writer Facebook Community: If you're a young writer (i.e., under the age of 30) and you're on Facebook, you should join this group I admin. It's a community to support and encourage young writers (and we recently passed 2,100 members!). We have a good time, and January has been a very fun month!

Sushi: Need I say more?

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