Don't Be Too Nice

Sometimes, people (like me) are too concerned with being nice.

Don't get me wrong — nice is good. But there are times when it can become a problem, namely, when it makes us soft about sin.

Sin, the vicious rebellion we rage against God, does not merit sympathy and softness. And that's where it gets us into trouble.

I may mention to someone a sin that I'm struggling with, and they'll try to make me feel better. "We all do that," they might say with a smile. Or, "Don't feel bad." 

Or maybe I'm in a conversation with a friend and they joke about sin and want me to laugh with them. I rationalize that it wouldn't be very nice to not join in, so I do.

And without realizing it, we're affirming and promoting rebellion against God.

Why Is It So Bad?

When being nice is more important than standing up for what's right, we're in serious danger.

Sin is nothing to be laughed at, brushed off, smoothed over, minimized, sterilized, or encouraged.

Sin is evil, revealing the darkness of our hearts. And it's our enemy, revealing the war in our hearts.

Please do not make me feel nice about my sin.

I'm reminded of a song by one of my favorite bands, Beautiful Eulogy, "The Size of Sin." They sing:

The smallest white lie is enough for being indictable. /

The size of sin so big it causes a cosmic fraction and Hell is the only relevant response to righteous reaction. /

This is what our sinful actions actually earned us, but God took upon himself the weight of sin reserved for us, a weight so significant that only the blood of an innocent one is acceptable and worthy. /

So rather than make light of it or minimize the size of it, we should marvel at the magnitude of mercy.

Sin should make us shudder at the weight of its horror yet marvel at the magnitude of God's mercy.

Don't try to smooth over sin or make someone else feel good about it. And don't let someone do that to you. Sin is vile and despicable and massive and indictable.  

Don't be nice about sin.

Remember the Hope, Though

But in the face of sin, always remember that there is One whose blood can wash it away.

One who has washed it away.

An innocent One who is acceptable and worthy, whose blood has enough power to take away the crushing burden of shame and self-loathing and set us free from the chains of rebellion. 

What can wash away my sin? No person, place, or piece, nothing, but the blood of Jesus.

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