I Need A Break

Let's get transparent for a moment.

I'm not great at resting. 

I know rest is good. I know it's a form of worship. I know it's commanded. I know it makes me a better worker. I know it reminds me of my human limitations and God's infinite strength. I know it helps me kill idols of productivity and pride.

But rest is still hard for me.

I love my work and I love working hard. Recently in Sunday School at my church, we talked about our jobs and discussed the fact that everyone has one of two tendencies in their job: idolatry or idleness. I know mine is idolatry.

And that's why I'm taking a break. 

Because sometimes knowing the right stuff isn't enough. You also need to do it. And you need people in your life who will challenge you and hold you accountable for what you need to do. 

Maybe you need a break too. And maybe you need a push to stop putting it off, stop burning yourself out, and put something on the calendar.

Because rest really is worship. 

P.S. Because of that, I'm taking a break for blogging for two weeks while I'm on vacation. You'll find a new post here on September 11.

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