4 Botanical Blessings-Part 3:The Vine

Good afternoon, readers. Today in part 3 of my series I will be talking about John 15:1-17. This passage is probably familiar to you. It talks about who the true vine is-Jesus. We are the branches and God is the vinedresser, or the gardener.

Since we are the branches, we will die without the vine. The vine and the vinedresser work together. The branches can not bear fruit unless they stick with the vine. Without the vine the branches can't do anything. But, with the vine we can bear fruit and flourish. Isn't that the truth? We will die without Jesus. We will be thrown to the fire, like useless sticks.

So, my main point you may ask? We need to stick to the vine (Jesus) and work with the vinedresser (God). There is no big hard meaning here. (Again, if you want the full story, read John 15:1-17.) Stick to Jesus and you will be blessed.