4 Good Kids of the Bible-Part 1:Paul's nephew

Hello again everyone. If you read my post of using your time, talents, and treasures to honour God on my dad's blog you officially read my first blog series. But now I'm writing my first blog series on my own blog.

Now, if you read the title I'm sure you're thinking, what??? How do you know that Paul had a nephew, and even if he did what did he do? Well, I asked the same question to my mom when she showed me right in the book of Acts a story about a courageous young man, Paul's nephew. If you would like to read the whole story turn to Acts 23:12-22. I'll give you the short version: About 40 Jews really wanted to kill Paul. They wanted to kill him so bad they weren't gonna eat or drink until they had killed him. So the Jews made a plan to kill Paul. Paul's nephew heard about the Jew's plot and went and told his uncle. Paul called an officer and told him that his nephew had something to say to tribune. The tribune saw him and Paul's nephew told him about the plot to kill Paul.

Wow! That must of taken a lot of courage! The tribune was the 10 head honchos of the Roman Council. They had a lot of power, enough to easily throw Paul's nephew in prison. Paul's nephew could have done a lot of things after he heard about the plot. He could of pretended not to hear and forgotten about it. He could of not told the tribune at all because he was too scared. He could of made up excuses, but he didn't. Sure, he was probably scared. He may have been knee knocking scared, but he did the right thing. We can learn from him. We, just like Paul's nephew, need to always be able to stand up for the truth, no matter how scared we are. Even if standing up for the truth may mean making yourself look bad by the world's standards, God is watching.