I'm Gonna Name My Kid Ezra

Why am I gonna name my kid Ezra, you may ask? Because Ezra is awesome. He was a teacher and a follower of God. He was an example to the exiles that returned. He corrected the exiles that returned. Ezra is my favourite book of the Bible. Today I finished Ezra in my daily Bible reading. Mr. James Gunter summed it up perfectly in his bible study, Ezra the Teacher. I copied the main points of the bible study for you.

1. God moves-Cyrus declares.
2. The herald speaks-People prepare.
3. Altar is built-Worship begins.
4. Enemies appear-Building ends.
5. Prophets say "Rebuild this place!"
6. Ah, to have seen Tattenei's face!
7. Ezra packs and heads into town.
8. He stops by the river-No Levites are found.
9. Sin is revealed-The people confess.
10. The people unite and clean up the mess.

Each point sums up each chapter. Ezra is a challenging book but very interesting. Part of it even shows the story from Ezra's point of view. I love this book and I hope you do to. If you ever are looking for something to read, read Ezra.