4 Good Kids of the Bible-Part 3: Naaman's Wife's Slave Girl

Hello again everyone. Today in part 3 of our 4 Good Kids of the Bible series we are going to hear of another courageous child, a girl, in fact. This girl was a slave to a powerful commander of the army's wife. Now, what she did may not seem like much to you, but when we look deeper into it we see a strong, courageous young woman. Her story is found in 2 Kings 5:2-5.

This little slave girl's mistress' husband, Naaman, was a leper. The little slave girl had heard of a mighty man in the region that had healed many people and performed great miracles. His name was Elisha and he was a man of God. The slave girl obviously cared about Naaman or she wouldn't have bothered to even mention Elisha, but she did. She told her mistress about Elisha and told her what Elisha had done for many people. She knew (we don't know why she was so confident, but she was) that Elisha would heal Naaman. The slave girl had to have had courage. Because she was a slave, she could have been reprimanded or beaten, or even worse, killed because she spoke out of turn. The slave girl, though, knew what was right, and she didn't care what was going to happen to her. She was going to stand up for the truth, despite the consequences. Hmmm. Who does that make you think of? Maybe.....Paul's nephew.

Both this girl and boy, despite they were from 2 different testaments and 2 different eras, they both knew that truth never changes.