4 Good Kids of the Bible-Part 4: Josiah

Welcome back to the 4 Good Kids of the Bible series. Today I will finish it up with a bang. Not just any bang either. Today we are looking at, drum role please.......King Josiah. That's right we are finishing with a king. Now, you may be saying to me, Jaquelle, we are supposed to be looking at kids, not royalty and rulers. Well, you are absolutely right, but Josiah was a kid when he first started out. Josiah's story is found in 2 Kings 22:1-23:30

Josiah began his reign at 8 years old. Josiah reigned 31 years. Josiah's father and grandfather were very wicked and did not follow the Lord, but Josiah did not follow in their footsteps, but those of David's, the man after God's own heart. Josiah was not influenced by the world around him, but only followed the Lord. Josiah did many great things in his life. He repaired the temple, he restored the Passover, and most importantly he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and did not turn aside to the right or the left.

Now who does that make you think of? Maybe, Samuel? Yes, good old Samuel, the judge who followed after God with his whole heart. By now I'm sure you've guessed our 4 good kids of the Bible are in two pairs. We've got a courageous young man and young woman who stood up for the truth. We've also got 2 courageous young men, who followed the Lord with their all, and governed a group of people. These kids made a difference. Today kids have the mind set that they are just kids and they can't make a difference. To that I say Poppycock! (I love that word!) I again want to challenge the kids and teens reading this because kids can do anything God wants them to, if only they are willing.