Because Or Is It?

Because He gave His life. Because He bled and died. Because He is my friend I come.

This is the first verse of another Boomerang Express song, Because. The song talks about how Jesus did a bunch of things for us so we come to Him. The song also talks about the ABC's of becoming a Christian. I really want to focus on the first verse of the song for this post. Because of things that Jesus did for us we come to Him. First, how do we come to Him? Well, by reading our Bible, going to church, talking with and keeping a personal relationship with Jesus. These things will bring us to Jesus. Here is a question for you: Do you come to Jesus because He gave His life, because He bled and died, because He is your friend? Or do you come to Jesus out of routine or habit?

Ouch! That hits where it hurts. I am guilty of many times reading my Bible, praying, or going to church just out of habit. I'm sure that we've all at one time or another felt that way towards coming to Jesus. Jesus told us to 'come' to Him many times in the Bible. He told Peter to come to Him on the water. He told the little children to come to Him. There are lots of other instances too. So, let me challenge you to come to Jesus with your all and do it truly because Jesus died for you and me.