Sucked Under

Today after our second day on the Boomerang Express at GLBC several of the volunteers went to a beach near us called Crystal Crescent Beach. It is a beautiful beach with big waves that all the kids and teens enjoyed. But, many times all of us were sucked under water. The mighty waves had the power to do it and they did. (Do you see where I'm going here?) What does that remind you of? Maybe of our world. If you get caught up in our world like we did in the waves and maybe thought our world's 'good' times (big waves) were fun to ride if you could make the jump eventually they will suck you under. Before you know it, you will be held under and you can't breathe. Whoa, scary thought! Remember guard yourself from following the world's ways. They can be dangerous, but enjoy the real good times that Jesus provided us with. And always remember have fun at the beach and enjoy the waves!