Piece of Paradise vs. Eternal Paradise

Happy Halifax Day, readers. Yesterday, as you know, (if you read my blog or was at our church) was my brother's birthday. After church, we went to Crystal Crescent Beach. It was a beautiful hot and sunny day, perfect for the beach. Unfortunately it seemed that it was perfect for everyone else in Halifax too (okay, there wasn't that many people there, but it was packed). There were cars parked down the road that led to the parking lot, as well as dozens of cars squeezed into the parking lot. We were lucky to catch a spot just as someone was leaving.

You may be asking me if there is a point to this story, and if so, what? Well, if you looked around the beach yesterday you would have seen 100's of people. You would have seen teenagers hanging out with friends. You would have seen families with young kids and families with older kids. You would have seen couples and singles. You would have seen seniors. You would have seen everyone. So, on that beautiful, sunny August day, everyone wanted a piece of paradise.

It's funny, don't you think, that everyone wants a piece of a fading away, earthly place and they would faster than lightning scorn Eternal Paradise? Jesus tells us many times what the Kingdom of Heaven will be like. He doesn't tell us every detail, but He does tell us bits and pieces about it. The problem with people today is that they want a dying, decaying, momentary chunk of earth when Eternal Paradise is just a life-changing decision away. Now, don't get me wrong, God has blessed us with beautiful things on earth like beaches, seas, mountains, and many other things, but I would much rather enjoy Eternal Pardise than just a momentary piece of paradise here on earth.