Travis, the Lord Bless You and Keep You

Happy August 2nd, readers. Today is my brother, Travis', birthday. I wanted to say a bit about brothers. For those of you who have brothers, I'm sure you know that the're not always perfect, but, hey, are any of us? We can always forgive them, though, because they are a blessing. Below, I share a story about a person whose brothers were awful to him, but he still loved and forgave them. Our kind sibling is, the one, the only......Joseph. I'm sure everyone has heard the story, but if you want to read it again, it's found in Genesis 37 and Genesis 39-45.

Joseph's brothers did all sorts of mean and nasty things to him, like selling him to an Ishmaelite caravan that took him to Egypt. God, of course, used all these things to bless and work through him, because Joseph was willing. Joseph eventually became Pharaoh's closest adviser. He helped his brothers in time of famine in the land.

That's a great brother, just like mine. I just wanted to share the short version of the Joseph story with you and remind you that: No matter how much of a nuisance brothers can be (at the time), they're a blessing. Happy Birthday, Travis.

The LORD bless you and keep you-Numbers 6:24