4 Trendy New Ways to Honour God This Fall-Part 3

Welcome back to my series on ways to honour God this fall. Today we are looking at a very important way that most people probably would overlook.
  • Don't be ashamed of the Gospel
If you're asking me what I mean...

"You believe that?" squealed Jadyn Marks, the most popular girl in school. "Yes," Sharon Oaks replied a little too timidly. Jadyn had invited Sharon to sit at the 'Popular Table' at lunch, but had spent most of the lunch hour teasing and testing Sharon about her faith. "You believe that someone rose from the dead after dying on a wooden stick?" Jadyn scoffed. Sharon began to pray. It had never occurred to her that she should pray during this persecution. "Father God," Sharon prayed silently. "Give me strength not to be ashamed of You or Your Gospel. Give me the strength to tell Jadyn about Your love." With that, no longer afraid of this mean girl, Sharon looked Jadyn directly in the eye and said, "My God died on that 'wooden stick' so you wouldn't have to. The Bible says that 'all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.' (Romans 3:23) It also says that 'the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord.' (Romans 6:23) I am not ashamed of my God and nothing you say can make me." At Sharon's, the most quiet girl in school, outburst, every jaw at the table hung open. The lunch bell rang and Sharon picked up her tray and left the table. As the other girls did the same, Erica, Jadyn's friend, said, "Maybe what Sharon was talking about is something worth while to listen too." "Yeah, maybe," the other girls chorused.

Sharon knew what Paul was talking about in Romans 1:16. Sharon knew that God did not want her to deny Him. We need to have the same courage as Sharon. By not being ashamed of the Gospel, we are honouring God. Try this hit idea this fall.