4 Trendy New Ways to Honour God This Fall-Part 4

Welcome to the final post in my 'honouring God this fall' series. Today, like yesterday, we will look at a way to honour God that is often overlooked.
  • Do your best work unto the Lord.
If you're asking me what I mean...

'F' The bright, bold letter seemed to scream "You're a loser" at Brenda MaCyntre. "Brenda, I would like to see you after class," Mrs. Carlton said gravely. 29 heads swiveled to see a blushing Brenda. After class, Brenda stomped up to Mrs. Carlton, her English teacher. Allison Carlton was also Brenda's Sunday School teacher. Brenda waved her English paper in front of Mrs. Carlton. "What is this for?" she demanded angrily. "I don't deserve this." The petite brunette looked close to tears. "Brenda, you're a bright, talented girl. I don't want to lecture you, but I do want to ask you a question:Did you do your best unto the Lord?" Mrs. Carlton spoke soft and calmly. Brenda looked a bit embarrassed as she said, "No, not really." "Brenda, do you know what it means to do your best work unto the Lord?" Mrs. Carlton asked quietly. Brenda shook her head. "It means that when we do our work we're not only doing it to show others and make people proud of us, but to glorify God." Brenda looked puzzled at this. "In Numbers 18:29 God tells us to present the best of what we have to the Lord. You have great potential in writing and reading. You can give that back to the Lord by doing your best for Him." "I think I understand now," Brenda said. "God wants the best of me and my talents." "Yes," Mrs. Carlton agreed. "Next time, will you remember that God wants you to do your best to honour Him?" Brenda nodded eagerly. "I can't wait until I face this situation again, so that I can show God that I can do my best for Him."

What Brenda learned was a important lesson. God wants us to do our best whether it be in school, work, or another activity. Do you remember a time that you did or didn't do your best unto the Lord? If so, please share in the 'Comments' section. Well, now we know that 4 ways to honour God this fall are:
  • Loving the unlovable co-worker or classmate (Luke 6:27)
  • Being modest and honouring God with our body (1 Corinthians 6:20)
  • Not being ashamed of the Gospel (Romans 1:16)
  • Doing your best work unto the Lord (Numbers 18:29)