Daddy's Daughter: A Short Summary of My Dad's Sermon

The Great Reversal of Fortune
(James 1:9-11)

Money: It comes in pretty handy down here, Bub. That line is from one of my favourite movies, It's A Wonderful Life. To make a long story short, George, the main character, is in a big amount of debt. He plans to commit suicide. Clarence, the angel, rescues him. Clarence reveals to George who he is. Clarence shares that he's here to help George. George says, "You got 8,000 dollars?" Clarence says, "We don't have any use for money up where I come from." And George says, "Well, it comes in pretty handy down here, Bub." I'm sure that by now you've guessed that this morning's sermon was about money.In the sermon, we learned of two people, two problems, and two positions.

2 People
  1. Poor brother. The poor brother had too little.
  2. Rich brother. The rich brother had too much.
2 Problems
  1. The poor man was boasting in what he didn't have, and was not focusing on what he had, salvation.
  2. The rich man was boasting in what he did have, and completely missed his most special possession, salvation.
2 Positions
  1. James tells us that the poor man should boast in his exaltation.
  2. The rich man should boast in humiliation.
I believe that both of these people are members of the church. So as you see, the church is made of the rich and the poor. If you are poor, then you need to focus on your inheritance. There is no social status in God's economy.