Analogy Hour: What is a Group of Flying Fish Called?

The answer-a glide. Because, the flying fish glide together as one. This does have a point, if you're asking. So glad you asked.

Psalm 133:1 tells us that it is good when friends and neighbors (brothers) dwell in unity. Unity is a good thing. We need to obtain it. How can we do that?
  • Having one mind. (1 Peter 3:8) That does not mean we have to slam our heads together. It does mean, though, that we need to be agreeable with one another. We need to have the same thoughts on the same subjects. It's okay to disagree on some things, so long as your arguments do not lead to quarreling. (2 Timothy 2:23)
  • Praying. It seems so simple, but when it all comes down to it, we need to pray, pray, pray. Praying for unity among common brethren is something very prayer-worthy (not that other things aren't prayer worthy). Colossians 4:2
These are just two ways to obtain unity. For more, check out this great book. It's on the best-seller list. It has been for lots of years. It's been translated in over 2,000 languages. I call it the Bible.