Don't Be Stupid!-Part 1

Today we will start a short series, looking at ways to not be stupid. We get many warnings in the Bible not to be stupid. How often do we specifically focus on them?

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid. -Proverbs 12:1

Do you know what 'reproof' means. According to we learn that reproof is "the act of reproofing, censuring, rebuking." Basically, what Proverbs 12:1 is telling us is that if you don't like correction you're stupid.

In this day and age, I think that we take the word 'stupid' out of context. If we don't like anything, it's stupid. Stupidity is "the act of lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind." We can't leave the study of this proverb without looking at the other part of it. "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge." That is hard. Seriously, do you like being disciplined? I don't. Not by my parents, not by anybody. But, Solomon tells us, that if we hate correction, then we're stupid. We need to love correction. That is hard. With a little, actually, a lot, of prayer, we will eventually learn to love discipline. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But one day.