Happy First Day of Autumn!

Hello, readers, and happy first day of autumn! Today we will be looking at God's creation. I took my very first post and adapted it to fall.

When you look outside on a crisp, fall morning what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Is it 'What a beautiful day. I can't wait to get outside'? Maybe its 'I wish the leaves would stop falling. There's always such a mess to clean up in the yard'? Or maybe, just maybe its 'What a beautiful sign of God's creation.' There is nothing what so ever wrong with the first one, nothing at all. The second one, well, that just means that you're in a bad mood. Now, by all means, think the first, but I hope that you would think about the last one. God created every time and every season. When we look at His creation, we should marvel in awe and wonder, but remember worship the Creator and not the creations.

So, as the autumn approaches, I would also like to revive four steps to honour God this fall that we learned a while ago.
  • Love the unlovable co-worker or classmate
  • Be modest
  • Don't be ashamed of the Gospel
  • Do your best work unto the Lord
Well, I hope you enjoyed the refreshing remembrance of some old posts re-created for this fall.