Only 102 Days Until Christmas-Part 1

Welcome, readers. If you looked at the title, I'm sure you are wondering what in the world I'm doing. No, I haven't gone crazy. Christmas is only 102 days away, and I think that we need to prepare for it. For the next four days, we will be studying 5 different ways to prepare our hearts for the celebration of our Savior's birth. You may be asking me why I'm doing this in the middle of September. Well, my answer to that would be that even though we mainly celebrate Jesus' birth on December 25, we need to prepare and celebrate every day.
I think that in this day and age we tend to think that 'The Nativity Story' should be saved for Christmas. NO! I'd like to challenge you to read 'The Nativity Story' before Christmas. Not just like a week before Christmas, but a month or 2 months before Christmas. By reading this account of the miracle virgin birth, we get to experience the awe without being wrapped up in Christmas. I think that at Christmas time, we have a long list of traditions. Reading 'The Nativity Story' would just give you a check on a list. This fall, though, we can read the story and focus on each verse. We can remember the happiness and prepare our hearts for this Christmas season. By doing this, when Christmas comes, we will have been reminded about the real reason for the season.