Only 99 Days Until Christmas!-Part 4

Hello, readers. Today I will be ending my series a day earlier than I said. As I finish off this series, I'd like to encourage to put my words, ahem, God's Words, into action.
  • Preach and teach the Birthday.
It seems today, same as reading the Nativity Story, we want to save teaching and preaching any information about Jesus' Birthday for December. It is special to have a special series on Jesus' Birthday during the holidays, but that's not the only time it should be taught. The greatest birthday in all mankind should not and could not (I hope) be saved for 4 weeks of intense holiday study.

So far we've learned to.....
  1. Read of the Savior's birth before the celebration.
  2. Not to wait for Christmas to come to church; we can come right now.
  3. Sing Christmas carols before Christmas.
And now we've learned to....
  • Teach about Jesus' birth before December.
That sure is a lot of information, useful information, though. I hope you've taken this to heart. Hearing and saying doesn't mean the the same as believing, though. Merry 99 Days Before Christmas.