Pondering Proverbs

Hello, readers. No, 'Pondering Proverbs' is not a series. It's just a single post. Anyways, a few weeks ago my mom assigned me a project (I'm home-schooled). The project was to illustrate a proverb. I looked through the book of Proverbs, just paging through. I found a really neat proverb.

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver. Proverbs 25:11

I illustrated it, and I also memorized it. Many a time, Solomon (the author of Proverbs) warns us about the tongue (Proverbs 18:21, Prov. 21:23, Prov. 16:1). The tongue is a dangerous thing. We use it to bless God in one sentence, and curse Him in another (James 3:7-9). So, a word spoken wisely is like '....apples of gold in a setting of silver.' Gold is a beautiful, rare treasure. A 'setting of silver' is also rare. Silver and gold are great treasures that are amazing. When we give wise advise, give a compliment, share an encouraging story (all of these, at the right time and place) we are being beautiful apples of gold in a gorgeous scene of silver. So, please, in the words of a wise, wise man, speak fitly.