Volleyball, High School English Classes, and Grits

Hello, readers. If you looked at the title, you may be wondering what I'm going to talk about today. The answer to that would be: Journeymen. I'm going to share an article I read (KOMPray) that talks about Journeyman, volleyball, high school English classes, and grits.

Volleyball, high school English class and grits—can you see what they have in common? I couldn’t.
In Eastern Hungary, Journeyman A.P. Crouch is coaching a high school volleyball team. She loves playing the game and talking with her players off the court. She trains them to “be all that they can be.”
Maybe you haven’t heard the word, Journeyman, before. Journeymen are young college graduates who are living all over the world. They are obeying God and going places to tell others about Jesus.
Another Journeyman, Holly McMickle, teaches high school English in Eastern Hungary. She is looking forward to spending time with her students just like A.P. Crouch will with her volleyball players. Holly is going to have an all-American breakfast party for her students. Are you getting the connection yet?
Holly is going to serve her students pancakes and cheese grits, and she might even invite A.P. Crouch to join them. Yep, in Eastern Hungary, volleyball, high school English class and grits DO go together.
Wow! Journeymen play important roles in foreign missions. Can you believe that these young people are only newly graduated college students? Yet, they're doing God's will in foreign countries. That's amazing. This is one of the many times that young people live 1 Timothy 4:12.