8 Ways to Honour God This Thursday

Welcome, readers. Today I had an idea to give 8 ways to honour God this Thursday (as you know, if you read the title). I decided to do it in a different way, though...

T-Thinking of someone else. When we think of a loved one or someone we know we should pray for them. We need to remember to think about our friends and pray for them.
H-Honouring God with our time.God deserves the best of our time each day. Often times, we brush Him away, but He deserves our time.
U-Understanding others. We need to be understanding and forgiving to others today. Some people may be having a bad day. Pray for them.
R-Realizing our mistakes and asking for forgiveness.When we realize that we messed up today we need to say sorry to God. He will forgive us.
S-Speaking wisely.We need to think before we speak and not speak in anger but in love. That's what God wants us to do.
D-Deciding who we're going to live for.It would only be to easy today for us to live for some other god (i.e. T.V., books, friends, school, school grades).
A-Asking God for requests.When we pray, God wants us to ask Him for things. No, not ponies and race cars, but for loved ones to be healed, friends to be saved, and things like that.
Y-Yielding before God. We need to yield before God today. That means surrendering our lives before Him.

Well, I hope that helps you. Hopefully, we will strive to do these things, and many more, to honour God today.