Your Saturday Smile

Everyone needs a smile every once in a while (hey, that rhymes!) So, here are my top 5 jokes of the day:

5. The horse enters the coffee bar and the waiter at the counter says, "Hey, why the long face?"
4. Did you hear about the guy that walked into the building? He said, "Ow."
3. A hearse is driving up a hill when suddenly it hits a bump. The back doors fly open, and the coffin is sent flying down the hill. It slides right up to a pharmacy window, the coffin pops open and the corpse says, "Hey, you got anything to stop this coughing?"
2. Did you hear who stole the soap? The robber ducky.
1. There were two skunks, one named In and one named Out. One day, In and Out were playing outside. They were each playing by themselves. Their Mama called them inside, but only Out came. Mama said, "Where's your brother? You better go find him." So, Out went away, but came back only a moment later with In. "How did you find In so fast?" Mama asked. "It was easy," said Out. "Instinct."