The 5 Stages of Christianity

Last night I had the pleasure of witnessing Paul Johnson, who works with the CNBC, teach Bible Study. He showed five stages that a Christians goes through (or should go through.) We start at the ...
  1. Seeker stage. We start just wanting to know more. When we are ready to put our trust in God, we enter the ...
  2. Believer stage. This is when we first accept Christ as our Savior. We are just baby Christians, still with lots of questions. As we develop as Christians, we enter the ...
  3. Disciple / Follower stage. This is when we start having a personal relationship with God. We learn to love Him. We grow closer. As our relationship with God strengthens, we then grow again, into the ...
  4. Disciple-maker / Leader stage. This is where we are ready to answer the Great Commission and go "make disciples of all the nations." We are also leaders. We are ready to lead others in Christ. Now, Mr. Johnson said, that usually you ascend to greatness (i.e. working up to the highest parking place), but in Christianity you descend to greatness. As we go down these steps, we get humbler and humbler. We get closer and closer to Christ.
  5. Suffering Servant stage (the final stage) is the stage where we say, "I'll do anything for You, Jesus. I will go anywhere. I will tell everyone about You." This is the stage of persecution. Everyone should want to be at this stage. This stage is where Christians are the happiest ... and the most blessed.