How to Win the Big Jackpot ...

Did you hear about the Newfoundlander that lost out on $30,000,000? Yup, it's true. A person went into a corner store to buy a lottery ticket. They asked for a $10 one, but the clerk gave them a $27 one by mistake. The $27 one was the big winner, but nobody knew that. The person pointed out the mistake, and the clerk voided the ticket. It was later that the clerk found out about the winning ticket. So, somebody had a hold on a $30,000,000 jackpot, but they let it slip from their grasp. That got me thinking ...

That's like God for so many people. In the situation with the jackpot, let's say heaven is the jackpot (not that we could ever compare a lottery jackpot to heaven, but just for the exercise, we're going to pretend). Jesus is the Clerk in this situation. He made it possible for us to win the jackpot. When Jesus died, He offered us the lottery ticket of a life time (it's an always win guarantee): salvation. With salvation, we can win the jackpot - heaven. Eternal paradise with God. Anybody can win that. Jesus is holding out the winning ticket that guarantees the jackpot, but so many people let it slip from their grasp. Or worse: they don't even attempt to grab it. God wants us to win the big jackpot because He loves us.

But how do I win the big jackpot, you ask? It's easy:

1. A- Admit to God you are a sinner. (Romans 3:23)
2. B- Believe that Jesus is the Son of God. (Romans 10:9)
3. C- Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. (Romans 10:9)