Daddy's Daughter: A Short Summary of My Dad's Sermon

You Snooze, You Lose
Judges 3:31 - 4:24

In this story, we learn of Barak's unfaithfulness to God. Then, we learn that, though Barak was unfaithful, God will still deliver the Israelites from their enemies who had oppressed them, the Canannites. Remember the cycle? This was the part when the people cried out to God to save them and God did. But because Barak was unfaithful (he snoozed), he lost out on getting the praise of killing the bad guy, Commander Sisera of King Jabin's armies. Instead it went to a housewife, Jael. The application of the sermon is that God gave us a mission (like he gave Barak). That mission is to share the gospel and make disciples. God doesn't need us, but he wants us. But if we snooze, we lose. If we say, "No thanks, God," or "That's too scary," or, "I'm too busy," then God will choose someone else (like He chose Jael.) So, remember we were given a job, but if we snooze, we lose.