Re: Father's Day

I admit that I was considering not even posting on the subject of Father's Day this year. I know, you're shocked and appalled. The reason was because I shared with you my dad's Father's Day sermon, titled Home Improvement back in May. But then, I started doing some research on Father's Day and came up with some interesting facts.

Did you know that Father's Day wasn't made an official holiday in North America until 1972 under U.S. President, Richard Nixon? Did you know that Mother's Day was an official holiday for 40 years before Father's Day became one? Did you know that when Father's Day was first introduced, it was mocked and made the aim of much ridicule and jokes? Did you know that people thought that the idea of Father's Day was absolutely foolish? Did you know that the very idea of Father's Day came from a young woman from Washington, who loved her dad so much that she thought a holiday should be made for all fathers?

Now, I'm guessing that you didn't know this. But if you did, then wow, you're smart! All I want to say about Father's Day is that I am very blessed to have such a great earthly father. I'm even more blessed to have a wonderful heavenly Father.

"But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." -- John 1:12