So, in honour of my uncle's big fortieth today (happy birthday!), I've picked some jokes just for my uncle. So here you go ...
5) You're so old, when you were a kid, rainbows were black and white!
4) You're so old, when you walked into an antique shop, they sold you!
3) You're so old, your social security number is one.
2) A reporter was interviewing a 104 year old woman. "And what do you think the best thing about being 104 is?" the reporter asked.
"No peer pressure," the woman responded.
1) As my forty-year old uncle was driving down the highway, his cell phone rang. He answered it. His wife's urgent voice warned, "Al, I just heard the news reporting that there's a car going the wrong way on 280."
"By golly," said Al. "It's not just one car; it's hundreds of them!"