
How many times do we take our blessings for granted? Sometimes we forget to dwell on the many gifts from the Lord. Yesterday for example, I had one of the most blessed Sundays I've had in a long time (and it wasn't because my mom was sick). It started off with an amazing service (praise God!) As I led music with my dad, the chorus of voices, dozens of people, lifting their voices in praise, astounded me. My dad's sermon was great, too, as he preached the Word, like he always faithfully does. As the afternoon sunlight began to fade away, a brilliant sunset, with splashes of pink, orange, blue and yellow filled the sky. Awed. That's what I felt. The day was nearly finished, but then a couple at the church made us a pot of delicious Winter Vegetable soup and my dad went out and picked it up. After that he picked up some groceries at the grocery store, and, without me asking, he picked me up some special Werther's chocolates. Ah, the perfect ending to the perfect day.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." (James 1:17)