Your Saturday Smile

Here in Halifax, we had a big nor'easter blow in last night. This morning it was clear and sunny, but -6 outside. So grab a mug of hot chocolate and curl in on this cold, wintry Saturday with a couple of jokes!

5) Mike: I heard you got kicked out of the zoo last week.
       Jack: Yeah, for feeding the squirrels.
      Mike: Wow, I know they don't like for people to feed the animals, but that seems like a strong punishment.
      Jack: Actually, I was feeding the squirrels to the cougars.

4)  Blake: My dog's the smartest dog in town! He can say his own name in perfect English.
         Ida: What's his name?
        Blake: Ruff

3) Lisa: I heard you just got back from Africa! Did you hunt any wild game?
        James: Yeah, lions.
        Lisa: Did you have any luck?
        James: Yep. Didn't see one. 

2) A chicken went to the doctor.
        "What's your problem?" the doctor asked.
        "I have red, puffy spots all over my body," said the chicken.
        "Oh no!" cried the doctor. "You have the people pox!"

1) Why did the chewing gum cross the road? It was stuck to the chicken's shoe.