Daddy's Daughter: Insights on My Dad's Sermon

This week's sermon, The One Sent to Forgive, was on Mark 2:1-12. It relays the story of four men who had a paralytic friend. These guys brought their friend to Jesus to be healed. But when they got to the house where Jesus was preaching, it was so crowded they couldn't get in. But they were determined. So they climbed up onto the roof and began pulling out chunks of it. Once they had a hole big enough, they lowered their friend down to Jesus. Jesus stops preaching and looks at the paralytic. What do you think He says? Previously in Mark, we've had Jesus command a demon to leave a demon-possessed man, heal a leper, and heal many sick and ill. So we almost expect Jesus to say, "Get up and walk," and for the paralytic to do it.

But no. Jesus instead says, "Your sins are forgiven." These four guys and their friend saw the perceived need, but Jesus saw the real need, and He met that first. But that's not the end of the story. For after that, Jesus heals the paralytic. This guy's pretty lucky; he got the double load, not only the most important thing (Jesus' forgiveness), but also healing.

So what about you? Do you have a perceived need? Do you need Jesus to heal you? Do you need Jesus to provide financial help? That's all well and good, and Jesus will help us with those things, but first, have you taken care of the real need? Have you asked Jesus to forgive you, to cleanse you? If you haven't, yet are still asking for your perceived need, stop and think about your real need.