Well it's been a while since the last Saturday Smile, so here are double the jokes for hopefully double the smile!
10) Which composer is a squirrels' all-time favourite? Tchaikovsky. He wrote "The Nutcracker."
9) What ocean gets all things absolutely right? The Specific Ocean.
8) What do you do when a mouse squeaks? Oil it.
7) Mother: My son thinks he's a dog. He barks at people and chases cars and cats.
Doctor: How long has he been behaving like this?
Mother: Basically since he was a puppy.
6) What did the farmer do at the chocolate factory? Milk chocolates.
5) What did one hot dog say to the other? Frankly, I enjoy cheeseburgers.
4) What did the gingerbread man do when his eyesight failed? Bought contact chocolate chips.
3) Teacher: Are you chewing gum?
New student: No, I'm Amy.
2) Bert: Sometimes I wonder about Kirby.
Roger: Why is that?
Bert: He tried to find the English Channel on cable TV.
1) "What do you think of my police dog?
"Dog? That animal says 'meow.'"
"Yes. It's working undercover at the moment."