Putting Christmas in Storage for Another Year

Have you ever noticed what happens after Christmas? Sales, sales, and more sales. 50% off, 75%, even 90% off all Christmas merchandise! And why? Because stores want to erase Christmas for the year. Take the Dollar Store for example. We went there two days after Christmas, and they were decorating the store for Valentine's Day! Valentine's Day! There's wasn't a speck of Christmas left there; it was all taken down and probably stuffed in a box in storage somewhere, until next year that is.

That's such a clear picture of some people's faith. They get out their Christmas-Christianity and go to church on Christmas Eve and maybe even put up a nativity scene in their house. But as soon as Christmas is over for another year, they quickly erase it from their lives and stuff it in a box and put it in storage somewhere, saving it for next year. Does anyone else see what's wrong there?