Your Tuesday Smile

Once you get over the initial shock, let me explain. I missed last Saturday's smile, so I started thinking. Everybody's smiling on Saturdays because, hey, it's Saturday, but who's usually smiling on Tuesdays? I mean, Mondays are the "get-back-at-er" days, but Tuesdays, for me at least, are blah days. I'm busy on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and often Saturday, but Tuesdays are simply blank. Don't worry, Your Tuesday Smile won't be the new norm; I'm sticking to Saturdays, but I think a couple of jokes on Tuesday every now and then won't hurt!

5) What are the best days of the week in Foodland? Fry-day and Sundae!

4) Woman: Excuse me, is there spaghetti on this menu?
        Waiter: No, ma'am, I wiped it off.

3) Danny: Miss, would you yell at me for something I didn't do?
       Teacher: Of course not.
       Danny: Good, because I didn't do my homework.

2) Why did the baby write a "b" on his knee? Because he wanted to be a "b-knee baby."

1) Police officer: I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm going to have to bring you in for driving 90 miles an hour.
          Lady: But that's impossible! I've only been driving ten minutes at most.