Daddy's Daughter: Insights on My Dad's Sermon

Today's sermon was entitled Meaningful Membership, and as you may guess, it was about membership. Not CAA membership, or AirMiles membership, or even membership at the local public library. This membership is something much different. It's church membership. So what does it mean to be member of the church? What does it take to become one and what does it require?

To be a member of the church means that you are a part of a local assembly of believers. At our church, you must be saved and baptized to become a member. But what should you be doing once you become a member? Well there's three main things:

  1. Be attending the church, not just regularly but on every chance the doors open, Sunday School, worship service, Bible Study, prayer meetings, ladies functions, men breakfasts. If the doors are open, members should probably be there. That doesn't mean there aren't exceptions, but this should be the norm.
  2. Be involved. Look around where you can serve the church. The church is not here to serve you; you are here to serve the church.
  3. Be accountable to one another. If you have reoccurring sin in your life, put it before the church, and ask them to keep you accountable. 
"And the Lord added to their number day by day, those who were being saved." (Acts 2:47)