Meditation Myths: Discovering the Truth Behind Biblical Meditation

Meditation. What comes to your mind when you think of the word? I know I usually think of yoga and creepy gurus. The Meditation Society of America defines meditation as, "... a three step process that leads to a state of consciousness that brings serenity, clarity, and bliss." Richard Carlon, best-selling author of "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" defines meditation as "... a simple procedure that involves an attempt to clear your mind and relax." But I think most importantly we need to wonder: how does God define meditation? What did He intend meditation to be about?

"I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds." (Psalm 77:12) This is the psalmist speaking about meditating on God's mighty deeds. Huh. If we're meditating on the Lord's many mighty deeds, then we can't actually be emptying our minds. That's illogical. If we're focusing on one thing in our mind, it's impossible to empty our mind at the same time. That brings us to meditation myth #1: Biblical meditation is emptying your mind. That's simply not true. See what the psalmist says in Psalm 119:15: "I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways." The psalmist again speaks of meditating on God, this time on His precepts - or rules, filling his mind with God's rules. So we find out that, according to God and His righteous Word, meditation is actually the opposite of emptying your mind; it's filling it. But filling it with what?

The Meditation Society of America says that this is what our mind should fill with if we do meditation "the right way": "Where we usually are only conscious of our body and ego and consider ourselves apart from the rest of the universe, with the experience of Contemplation we become conscious of the cosmos and know ourselves to be a part of it and realize our unity with all of it. ... It is our birthright and destiny to know this exquisite state first hand and enjoy the Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss that is our eternal true nature."

Okaaay. That is messed up on so many different levels. But focusing just on what we want to fill our mind with when we meditate, based on this, we don't have to do squat. We just "contemplate" and "become conscious of the cosmos and know ourselves to be a part of it and realize our unity with all," because after all, "it is our birthright and destiny to know this exquisite state first hand and enjoy Truth, Consciousness and Bliss."

Do you see how ridiculous this is? This isn't meditation. It's a cult-like belief!

Meditation myth #2: When meditating, you don't have to do anything. Just feel the energy and become aware of the cosmos and let consciousness overwhelm you.

This is not how the Lord intended meditation to be! Meditation should be about filling your mind and focusing your entire being on GOD. Not on yourself, not on the cosmos, not on the universe. On God. Focusing, dwelling, on His rules, His mighty works, His steadfast love, His promises, His inerrant Word. Biblical meditation isn't emptying your mind and concentrating on nothing, it's filling it with Scripture (Joshua 1:8) and training it on God.