My Testimony: Revised and Updated Edition 2011

Almost two years have passed since I wrote out my testimony for this blog, and my testimony needs some revisions and updates. So that's why I've rewritten my testimony so that others can be blessed by reading it, and it can, ultimately, bring glory to God!

I was born in a Christian home and raised by two very strong Christian parents. I said a prayer of faith at the age of four, but only began to truly understand Christ's sacrifice and atoning death when I was nine, though even then, I was a long way from understanding it all (as I am now!). I was baptized at nine years old by my dad, who was the associate pastor of the First Baptist Church in a small town in northern B.C. where we lived at the time. From there, I began my trek down the path that leads to a maturity in faith. When I think about where I was at age nine, and now, five years later, where the Lord has brought me, it's incredible! I understand that through situations and circumstances, the Lord has been working in it all to draw me closer to Himself. I praise Him for that!

I praise Him for moving us to Texas when I was nine and a half, where I got the opportunity to be a part of a strong, Christian pre-teen group, where I was surrounded with believers my own age. I praise God for moving us to Halifax, Nova Scotia, when I was 12, where my dad became the pastor of a small baptist church! I praise God that He doesn't give up on me, even when I feel like I'm a failure and that I can never be used by Him. I praise Him that He never stops teaching me how to be more faithful to Him. I thank Him for saving me from "the domain of darkness" and transferring me into "the kingdom of the son He loves." (Colossians 1:13) And I praise Him that "we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, in Him." (Colossians 1:14)

I'm excited for the future, for what God has in store for me! I know that He's not finished with me yet, and I look forward to being used as His ambassador for the gospel (Ephesians 6:17-20). I gladly say with Hannah Farver,  
"I take encouragement from John 16:33. It promises a story complete with tears and the occasional burning down of dreams, but also a happy ending forever: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." He has overcome. It's happened. It's happening. We have hope for a happy ending (...or is it really a glorious new beginning?)"