Our God is an Awesome God

The thunderstorm that rattled the Maritime provinces last night made headline news all over the internet. "Maritime thunderstorms wreak havoc" claimed the bold headlines on CBC. "Storms lash the Maritimes" announced the Weather Network. "Intense storm delays flights at Halifax airport" was splashed across The Chronicle Herald. Yes, the thunderstorm was certainly a good one. I remember standing at the front window last night, watching the rain lash against the window, seeing the lighting flash vividly against the dark sky, and hearing the thunder crack and boom, and I was reminded that our God is truly an awesome God.

"Awesome is God from his sanctuary; the God of Israel—he is the one who gives power and strength to his people. Blessed be God!" Psalm 68:35

"Let them praise your great and awesome name! Holy is he!" Psalm 99:3

"He sent redemption to his people; he has commanded his covenant forever. Holy and awesome is his name!" Psalm 111:9

Thunderstorms are a testimony to the power, to the awesomeness, of their Creator. Sometimes I'm tempted to be more in awe of the creation than the Creator, but I must never do that. No matter how cool or incredible or amazing a creation is, if you think about it, it really just makes the Creator more awesome. So, when that thunderstorm booms and flashes and I'm amazed, I will smile and think about how incredible it is, and then I will turn my praises to the Creator of that thunderstorm. For our God is truly an awesome God.