Growing in Grace: January 2012

Here's a handful of links that I hope will aid you as you continue to "grow in grace" during this rainy, snowy month of January!

  • The Attributes of God - This is Tim Challies' second infographic (a graphic chart that displays information visually). It covers 25 of our awesome God's attributes. If you'd like to see his first infographic - on the ordo salutis (The Order of Salvation) - you can check it out here.
  • Eight Ways to Approach Scripture - "J. C. Ryle was a man of the Word. The first bishop of Liverpool ... wanted his people to read the Scriptures. And we want the same thing, for ourselves and for you. To help us out, Erik Kowalker recently compiled a list of tips straight from Ryle's book Practical Religion. Here are eight profitable ways to read the Bible."
  • Sitting is Good News - A short, but fantastic, post by Kevin DeYoung on Hebrews 1:3-4, where we read that Jesus "sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs." 
  • Fast Food Ads vs. Reality - Okay, this is just plain interesting. How often have you stared at a poster of a massive, decadent, mouth-watering burger only to race to the drive-thru, order said burger, and receive a squished lump of food about half the size and beauty of that poster? This photographer takes a look at several different fast food ads versus the reality of what they actually look like when you get them.
  • To Criticize or Not? And last, but far from least, my dad has been doing some great posts on online criticism over at One More Caw. For any Christian who has ever wondered about this, this is a fantastic series. Check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.