Growing in Grace: May 2012

Here's a selection of lovely links I've collected over this month of May for your edification and encouragement. Enjoy!

  • Jesus Also Had Unbelieving Family Members - "Do you, like me, have family members who do not believe in Jesus? If so, we are in good company. So did Jesus. And I think this is meant to give us hope."
  • Are You Righteous? - "The truth is that God isn't concerned with any kind of obedience; he’s concerned with a certain kind of obedience. What motivates our obedience determines whether or not it is a sacrifice of praise. Doing the right thing with the wrong heart reveals deep unrighteousness, not devout righteousness."
  • What is Theology? - This term is casually tossed around in Christian circles all the time, but do we really know what it means? Tim Challies takes a brief, insightful look at "theology."
  • His, Hers, Hens, and the Madness of Politically Correct Gender Language - Mary Kassian takes a look at Sweden's new gender-neutral pronoun, "hen," and how language really does matter.
  • Turn Whining into Worship - "How many of you have ever said something like this to God: "If I only had ___________, then I'd be happy." I have believed that lie many times myself! ... In essence, I'm telling God that He is not enough for me and I need something else besides Him in order to be happy. When I say those "if only" words, I am choosing to please myself rather than choosing to please God." 
  • An "Interview" with the Apostle Paul on the Law, Life, and Death - Justin Taylor looks at Romans 7:1-13 and then "interviews" Paul on this passage.