All Over the World

Sometimes I get caught up in my own little world. I get focused on my own little church in my own little town in my own little province in my own big country. But Wednesday night and last night were gentle reminders of a necessary truth.

Geoffrey Thomas, pastor of Alfred Place Baptist Church, in Aberystwyth, Wales, spoke at Grace Baptist Church's annual Bible conference on May 30 and 31 (and will be speaking again tonight too, but unfortunately I won't be able to make it then). As this British pastor preached, his crisp accent rolling through the speakers, I was reminded of this very important truth - there are Christians outside of my own little world, all over the world in fact, fighting, being persecuted, teaching, serving, and living for the gospel. There are brothers and sisters in the faith living in Wales, in Turkey, in Israel, in Russia, in China, in the U.S.A., in Mexico, in Puerto Rico, in the Grand Cayman Islands, in Spain, in Italy, in Zimbabwe, in Canada, and in dozens of other countries - all with the same purpose in life as you and me: to know God and to make Him known.

So when you get caught up your own little Christian world, be encouraged to know that you have brothers and sisters all over the world! And though you may never shake their hand and share a cup of coffee with them this side of eternity, one day, you will be united with them before the throne of God, worshiping with them, learning with them, and glorifying Christ with them.