Living With the Dead

Every day we walk among the dead - at work, in the grocery store, at a friend's house, in the dentist's office, and even at church. But how can these dead people walk and talk and shop and go to the dentist's office and sing in church? Simply, because they don't know that they're dead. They think they're alive, and many act like they're alive, but they're really just a collection of dusty, dry bones. Hey, that sounds just like ... Ezekiel 37!
"The hand of the LORD was upon me, and he brought me out in the Spirit of the LORD and set me down in the middle of the valley; it was full of bones. And he led me around among them, and behold, there were very many on the surface of the valley, and behold, they were very dry." (Ezekiel 37:1-2)
Last night in Bible Study we were studying Ezekiel 37, the vision that Ezekiel the prophet saw - the valley of dry bones. I'll give you the gist of the story (though I encourage you to read it for yourself). Basically, the Lord puts Ezekiel in this valley filled with dry bones. The Lord asks Ezekiel if these bones can live again. Ezekiel replies the only thing he really can: "Only You know, Lord." Then the Lord tells Ezekiel to prophesy over the bones and tell them that they'll live again. So Ezekiel prophesies, and the Lord causes the bones to be covered with sinews, skin and breath - to live.

But what does this have to do with us, you ask? Well, nowadays, we have our own valley of dry bones. As Christians, we are alive, but we are surrounded by people who are spiritually dead - in our schools, work, stores, churches and homes. Like I said before, they may think and act like they're alive, but you and I both know they're only bones. There's no life in death.

But there's hope for these dead bones, these spiritually dead loved ones, friends, and countless strangers. Like the Lord breathed life into a valley of dry bones, He can breathe spiritual life into anyone. So first we must pray - pray hard for every unsaved person we know and every one we don't. Then we must take action. Ezekiel recognized that it was up to the Lord to do the saving work, but he was the instrument by proclaiming the Word of God to them. So we must proclaim the gospel to our unsaved friends, co-workers, fellow classmates, family, and even strangers. For one day, we'll no longer have the opportunity, the chance to live with the dead. One day, we'll spend our days living forever, living with the Living Saviour. (Revelation 1:8)