Countdown to Christmas: 7 Days Until Christmas

Well, tomorrow's the day - the day of the spotlight, the day I'm set to be on live television, CTV Morning Live to be exact. And here I am, the afternoon before, and my insides are already rolling. My head is already thumping, I'm starting to sweat and my mind is in a whirl just thinking about it - I am so nervous! Today my drama teacher gave me a list of points to think about for the interview tomorrow, but my tongue gets tied just reading them. The lights, the questions, the cameras, the countdowns, the cues, it's all so exciting yet so nerve-wracking!

But in the midst of all this, it was Mom who mentioned something to me. She said that if I was so concerned now, about being on live television, being in the spotlight where everyone watching can see me, why is that all the time, when we're being watched by God, we're not concerned? We think of it casually and flippantly - well, sometimes. Most times we don't even think of it at all. We're in the God of the universe's giant spotlight all the time, yet we waste hardly a minute to think about that. And it's not like it's just some random nobody watching us. It's GOD! The most important Being ever! Our sovereign Creator and Sustainer. The thought is terrifying and wonderful all at once.

So even if you're not on TV tomorrow, you are in the spotlight, the Lord's spotlight. He's watching you, but He's also watching over you and caring for you. As we count down this last week to Christmas, let's seek to remember the Lord's presence and rejoice in the fact that He is the God who is always watching over us and caring for us!