
There is a particular passage in the Bible I have garnered comfort from for a long time, but was blessed to be able to memorize it just a week or two ago. Some of you know that Dad and I are memorizing Romans, our third book of the Bible to memorize together. Last week we started chapter nine, but it was just a little bit before that (at the end of chapter eight) that this passage came up. Here it is:
"For I am persuaded that not even death or life, angels or rulers, things present or things to come, hostile powers, height or depth or any other created thing will have the power to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39 HCSB)
This is a passage that is talked about in Christian circles a lot, pasted in Christian greeting cards, made into Christian songs, adapted into Christian poems, on the front of church bulletins - bottom line is, Christians hear it all the time. I know I have, and even though I've always taken comfort from it, I've also taken it for granted. It was only when I was memorizing it, rolling it around and around in my head, reciting it over and over, that the truth finally began to sink in.

God's love is unchanging, unbreakable and utterly unbelievable. It's wild and radical and life-changing. And nothing can separate the objects of His love (i.e. His children) from His love. Why? Because not only is God loving, He's also the all-powerful creator and sovereign governor. He created "life" and has conquered "death." He reigns over "angels and rulers." He's in control of "things present and things to come." He's using "hostile powers" for His purpose. He knows all things and every "height" and every "depth." And of course, He is the Creator and holds ultimate power over every "other created thing." God is love, but He is also all-powerful, all-knowing and in control of this world.

Take comfort in these familiar words, recognizing their truth and importance. For just as Paul was, we can be persuaded that nothing "can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."