Your Saturday Smile: Buffalo Mania Edition

1) A man in a movie theater notices what looks like a buffalo sitting next to him. "Are you a buffalo?" asked the man, surprised. 
    "Yes," said the buffalo. Shocked, the man cried, 
    "What are you doing at the movies?" The buffalo replied,
    "Well, I liked the book."

2) A policeman in the big city stops a man in a car with a baby buffalo in the front seat. "What are you doing with that buffalo?" he exclaims. "You should take it to the zoo!" The following week, the same policeman sees the same man with the buffalo again in the front seat, with both of them wearing sunglasses. The policeman pulls him over. "I thought you were going to take that buffalo to the zoo!" The man replies,
      "I did. We had such a good time, we are going to the beach this weekend!"