What I'm Reading

Right now I'm in the midst of a few good books. Here they are:

The True Woman: The Beauty and Strength of a Godly Woman by Susan Hunt - I'm only two chapters in but am loving it so far. Hunt contrasts the "true woman," drawn from historical Christianity, with the "new woman" of today's liberal feminism. What I love is not only Hunt's gentle but no-holds-barred approach but the real life stories of true woman who have remained steadfast in the midst of suffering.

Dug Down Deep: Building Your Life on Truths that Last by Joshua Harris - This is a fun, practical, gospel-centered book that's not too difficult a read and authored by a great writer! This excerpt from the description on Amazon.com is an excellent word: "Dug Down Deep is systematic theology like you've never seen it before. Readable. Relevant. Powerful. As best-selling author Joshua Harris shares his own journey from apathetic church-kid to student with a burning passion to truly know God, you’ll be challenged to dig deep into the truths of God’s word. With humor, conviction and compelling insight Dug Down Deep covers the basics of faith—God, scripture, Jesus, the cross, salvation, sanctification, the Holy Spirit and the church. Don’t settle for superficial faith, dig deep."

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt - It seems everybody has something to say these days - especially on the internet. So how do you create a platform for yourself and your message? Hyatt, former CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, lays it out for you in this practical book. It's written for anyone who has something to say and is wondering how to say it so others can hear it. I'm liking it so far!

The Twin Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien - The second installment in the Lord of the Rings trilogy is an enthralling read, just like the first (which I finished a few weeks ago). For a person who watched the movies first (a practice I rarely follow) and had previously read The Hobbit, I'm finally joining the club and reading through LOTR. My faithful mother is also reading through them with me. Yes, all 1,216 pages.

What are you reading?